There are many branches of Sahara India full name Sahara India Financial Corporation were being run illegally in Patori sub-division area under Bihar and Samastipur, throwing dust in the eyes of the local administration along with entire country. Whereas the reality is that the Reserve Bank of India has canceled the license of Sahara India in 2015 after banning the banking services of Sahara India in 2008.

This Sahara India fraud was exposed by Surjeet Shyamal on 16 February 2022. With this, an appeal was made to the depositors of the entire country not to deposit money in the name of Sahara India and the deposit of money stopped in the entire country.
The Honorable Supreme Court had issued an order to Sahara India to return the money of all the investors on dated 31 Aug 2012. Whereas like in other places, instead of returning the money of the investors in Patori, it was converted into different schemes of various cooperative societies by swindling/cheating. Whose number is still more than thousands. People are running from door to door to get back their deposits, but no one is listening, but no anyone is listening pain.
After which, under the leadership of Surjit Shyamal, Patori sub-division was surrounded on 21 February 2022 against Sahara India fraud. In which complaints were sent from thousands of depositors to the Central Government and State Government.