Refund Policy

Worker Voice is not obliged to make refunds and may, in its discretion, decline any requests for refund of donations.

All the activities of the Worker Voice Trust shall be non-profitable and shall be conducted on “No Profit – No loss basis      ”. To invest funds and help investment of any funds in the modes of investments from time to time which is in terms of Income Tax Act, 1961 Section11(5) or any other law for the time being in force and subsequent amendments thereof from time to time. The objects of the Trust are for charitable purpose without distinction of caste, creed, colour or sex (gender) and as per rules regulations of the Government of India.

To receive/give/raise funds, through grants, aid, donations, CSR, subscriptions, sponsorship, presents, rent, gifts and loans or any assistance in other form etc. for the fulfilment of aims & objects of the Trust and all are non-refundable.